Saturday, January 14, 2012

new blog site. wow. i hope it worx this time.

Hi. As of the moment, I am quite unsure whether or not this reach anybody's screen. I have had a blog before, I wrote one article right after I created it, and never again has it receive an update. Not once. So this time, in case you might stray on a uninteresting blog, I would like to tell you what could be here in this blog: nothing. Alright. Not exactly nothing. This is going to be a page i would right anything that would matter to me. Not a diary, I assure you. I would right all my code(I am a software tinkerer) dillemas, my Cebu experiences. I would share everything i discover. Everything I feel that might be beneficial to others. In short, I'd like to share my thoughts and my discoveries.

Now i gotta warn you. I might not be the grammatically precise writer. Not nearly eloquent, and not on the same zip code as simple. As much as I badly want to, i can't sound smart. I, most of the time, complicate simple things. Although, I am basically aware of this issue. I would like to change that.

So yeah. I hope some of you might see it worthwhile to spend a minute or two on this blog. I hope this blog would progress. I wish lethargy is going to leave me alone. I wish to do more posts. I wish they'd be relevant. ;p Now I am over-emphasizing my evil desires of making a good blog. 'Til here. Im boring you on my very first article. Great. Great sign.